
The advancement in technology and the global evolution towards complex integrated systems are driving the design in today’s product. The complex systems like UAV’s/Drones require multidisciplinary simulation driven design approach to accelerate the design & development process, deployment efficiency and meeting the regulatory standards.

Altair Smart Multi-physics platform enables best-in-class solutions for solving complex multidisciplinary and multi-physics analysis and design problems involving combinations of structures, fluids etc. Later the optimized design can be used for additive manufacturing to cut product development time and costs by reducing material usage, print time etc

We are pleased to invite you to a webinar on “Design and Development of UAV’s using an Altair
Multi Physics Simulation Platform”. In this webinar, we will give an overview of convergence of Multiphysics simulation and AI/ML for UAV design and development and how we address various simulations and provide a complete solution that spans from modelling, analysis, additive manufacturing, data analytics and IoT.

The agenda for this webinar is as follows:

  • 1. Introduction :
    Corporate and Product Portfolio
    Trends and Challenges in Drone Development and Need for a Simulation Driven Design
    2. MBSE Approach to Drone Concept Design
     Systems Modelling (0D to 3D) of Battery, Motor, Sensors and Controllers and Propellers
     Multiphysics based co-simulation to drive Design requirements like Range, Speed, Direction,
    Flight Dynamics
    3. Detailed Structural Design/Analysis
     Frame Structural Concept, Design Validation for Strength and Vibrations, External Aero
     Manufacturing Simulation and Validation of 3D Printed Frame Structure
    4. Electronics Systems Design :
     Antenna Design and 5G Wireless Connectivity, Radio Coverage (EMI/C & RCS)
     PCB Design and Development (SI & PI)
     Embedded Code Development and SIL/HIL Simulation
    5. Internet of Things / Digital Twin
     Edge Orchestration, Device Management, Data Storage, Stream Processing
     Real Time Dashboards, Machine Learning
    6. Summary and Q&A


Program Overview

Adopt Drones program is an initiative of the Drone Federation of India to accelerate the adoption of AI-driven drone solutions, with support from Amazon Web Services (AWS)* cloud services. The Adopt Drones Program will recognize solutions by drone application developers which leverage machine learning to generate deep insights from the data collected using drones.

Adopt Drones Program shall be an inflection point for the drone industry. The program intends to experiment, develop and promote drone solutions with large enterprises. This program will create multiple business opportunities for solutions focused on creating actionable insights using drones.

Program Structure

  • 1. Application Phase

    Applications are invited from companies that are developing solutions which leverage artificial intelligence.

  • 2. Selection Phase

    Applications will be shortlisted based on the feasibility of the solution, predicted market size, current stage of the solution.

  • 3. Experimentation / Proof of Concept

    Selected applicants will be conducting experiments with large public-sector and private-sector enterprises.

  • 4. Analysis and Documentation

    Results will be analyzed and insights will be documented as case studies.

  • 5. Release of Whitepapers

    The case studies will be published in a whitepaper series released for public knowledge.

  • 6. Educating the market

    Learnings of the program will be advocated to end customers, thus enabling the use of AI with drones in their businesses.

Focus Areas

Supported by AWS

AWS will provide the following to selected participants:

Technical Support: Support for technical review of solutions for cost and performance optimization.
AWS Credits: For partners to explore and leverage various modern technologies on the cloud.
Go-To-Market: Support for jointly pitching and supporting the solution to large enterprises.
AWS Partner Status: Access to partner resources on the AWS Partner Network portal.


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